Over The Hump Day

July 30, 2008 at 6:24 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Yay! It’s Wednesday! Only two more early wakeups left this week.

Look at what I received from one of my suppliers today.

I work in Accounts Payable and I was able to get payment to him for 30 past due invoices that we had no record of ever receiving. Do ya think he was grateful, lol? They are beautiful, though hubby says that he should have bought me a car seein as how I got him a payment of over $385,000. I think I agree, but I’ll enjoy the flowers for now and won’t hold my breath on the car.  I noticed that I captured my glass piece in this picture – the blue woven piece to the left of the bouquet.    It’s woven strips of glass that I fused in my kiln a month or two ago.  I love this piece!

I made some cold process soap over the weekend, now cut and curing in the dining room. Lime Sugar Supreme – smells glorious!  I’ve been making my own soap for about 9 years now.  The only time I bought soap was for the night before my knee surgery – they now tell you to wash with antibacterial soap.

And a little more progress on Sweet Treats. I have the third block almost done and will soon be starting on the fourth block – Ice Cream.

Been reading some too. Finished Dyer Consequences by Maggie Sefton and started The Tenth Gift by Jane Johnson which is very enjoyable – needleworkers will love it.   Synopsis:

In an entertaining if uneven debut novel from a U.K. publishing executive, dual story lines feature spirited English heroines—a 17th-century country girl and a modern-day craft shop owner—both with a gift for embroidery. As a farewell gift from her married lover, Julia Lovat receives a book published in 1625 and filled with a variety of sewing patterns. Inside the manual, Julia discovers the words, scribbled in pencil over the pages, of Cat Ann Tregenna, a 19-year-old British servant kidnapped by Muslim raiders and taken to Morocco to be sold into slavery. En route, the pirate leader, Al-Andalusi, is wounded in a battle, and Cat and her needlepoint skills are called on to stitch up the man’s wounds, an encounter that leads to a tangled interfaith rivalry. As Julia struggles to shake off the dregs of her affair, she finds inspiration in Cat’s makeshift diary and travels to Morocco to track down proof that Cat really existed; in the process, she discovers a new life of her own.


Happy Stitching!


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